Hello and welcome back to the blog and if you are new: Welcome! I was planning on writing on a totally different topic but after my previous post went up and after watching kind Arthur a few more times (yes... you read that right) something very important popped up into my mind and I thought I would expand a little more on it rather than make it a bullet point. Today we are going to talk about feeling inadequate. There are many examples of people who felt or are feeling inadequate and for each of these examples, I am sure there are different endings to their stories. In the case of King Arthur, his inadequacy was manifested (in the movie of course... Gotta watch it) at three specific times in the form of denial. Denial of his identity, denial of his purpose, denial of the responsibilities that came with the previous two. However, his found ability to make peace with the truth of who he was and take upon him the responsibility that came with his purpose and identity turned the narrative of his story around. But unlike King Artur, many of us still fail to come to term with our feeling of inadequacy not in order to just let it be just that, but in order to acknowledge it and use it as a fuel to turn our narrative around. And because we fail so successfully at correcting the shot, a lot of us have squandered what we have been given by God, negated the purpose/ assignment placed on our life but most importantly, we have forfeited the lives of the people whose outcome in life is tied to us walking into our purpose.
I know a lot about feeling inadequate. It is a feeling that I have carried with me ever since I was a child and it has been a burden. Everywhere I went, I felt like I was out of place. It was a very miserable feeling that made me squander and at time sabotage good things happening into my life instead of appreciating them. And it is not until very recently that I understood that there are two kinds of reactions one can have about that feeling: a) acknowledge it and doing to work necessary to grow in the area (s) where you feel inadequate or b) let that feeling swallow you entirely and throw your life to waste. The second choice is always the easiest one because who doesn't like easy?
But let me tell you this : no matter how inadequate you feel, you are where you are today because you have potential and abilities. The reason why you are where you are is because there is something that you and only you can accomplish. Perhaps you think someone can do it better which is probably true, but it doesn't guarantee that the result will be the same, that the impact that person will have will be the same, that the reach they will have will be the same. And if God wanted that person to be there, it would be him/her and not you. Sometimes the place you are at, where you feel so inadequate is the place God wants you to be at in order for you to grow to move into your next season or into the next big thing He has for you or perhaps He simply want you there so that He can create for you a life someone will look at tomorrow to be encouraged; and who knows how big the ripple effect will be?
There are a lot of loads that I have carried the wrong way and feeling inadequate it one of them because a) I was trying to be like everybody else, b) I let what I saw and felt get into the way of what my purpose was at different stage of my life, c) I approached this feeling the wrong way. So my advice to someone reading this, someone feeling out of place/inadequate: a) be you. The real you because there is something God wants to do in the world and in someone's life with your true identity; b) there is purpose into all those places where you don't feel at ease. If God put you there purposefully then trust Him and surrender what you feel to Him. I know it is frustrating but God knows how to turn things around; c) instead of hating that place or season of your life you are in where you feel so inadequate approach it a different way: ask God what is it in this place, job, season of life that I need to learn? to master or even to get rid of? because sometimes what we gain is what we lose. Ask God to order your steps and be genuinely willing to let Him show you the way. Changing your approach will make you focus less on being inadequate and more on growing, learning and getting the tools you need to move successfully into your next season or higher place.
Hope this helps somebody.
Until next time,
The Happiness Fairy 👸
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