Sometimes it is just hard to keep going. You feel like
nothing is moving; like nothing you do is moving your life in the direction you
want it to go. As a matter of fact sometimes you feel like the more you try the
worst it gets and you are just like: “what am I doing wrong?!”. Sometimes you
are doing nothing wrong. Sometimes you are doing everything you have to do in
order to see results. But life is full of mysteries and has a way to work
things around that is different from what we have in mind. The order in which
we want things to happen, the time at which we want things to happen, the kind
of things we want to happen… life the way we picture it in our mind… Everything
is just different… If I had to talk about my life, I'd quote Rachel Wolchin and say:" My life can be described in one sentence: it didn’t
go as planned and that's okay". Does it suck? Yes sometimes. But in those times
I want to remember how what came unexpected was even better than what I asked
and was hoping for.
Don’t give up too soon on your dreams, don’t give up too
soon on your goals. Just because it didn’t work today, doesn’t mean it is not
going to work tomorrow. Just because today was a rainy day doesn’t mean that
the sun won’t be out tomorrow. We have a tendency to extrapolate today’s
situations and apply them to the future without even being there yet. What
we truly have to do instead is to take each day as it comes and believe that the next one
will be different. You can't anticipate life : you have to let it be and work you way through it everyday to the best of your abilities
Good doors have to close so that better doors can open. Some things in life have to fall apart so that better things can fall into place. Don’t limit yourself to what you see or seem to see. Walk by faith and believe that good things are on the way. They might not be what you expect; they might not come at the moment you expect them to come but once they happen, they will shatter all those memories of pain, tears, hopelessness you have replayed so many times in your head. Let your faith be bigger than your fears, bigger than any circumstances you are going through right now. Let your faith the bigger than any battle you are fighting right you and let it take you were you are meant to be.
Life doesn’t always turn out the way we want it to but it’s okay because sometimes it’s even better than what we hoped for. So just take life as it is and let your faith be the light that enlighten your way when dark times arise; let it be the strength that moves you when you have none left.

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