Struggle for months, years; day after day fighting that
battle to break free of your broken self. Imagine getting emotionally to a place that feels warmer,
where you can forget about your pain. A place where life treats you better than
it ever did in such a way that little by little, you get more confident about
the future and start letting go of your broken self. You then realize that you
are stronger than you have ever been, that you have ever known you could be.
Being able to find your piece of paradise, you land of
happiness. For the first time you feel like everything fits exactly where it
is supposed to, you are happy, smiling. You are invincible and it is as if things
that used to break you yesterday can’t even hurt you as of today. You have
reached a place where the time, the environment, your emotions as well as
yourself are in symbiosis, working together at the same momentum to help you
reach that place of absolute happiness and peacefulness.
But then comes that moment where you can’t seem to fall
asleep as you are tormented by that one thought that is constantly on your
mind. You are overwhelmed by this weird and scary feeling of
uncertainty: how can everything be so perfect? Where is all that happiness
coming from? What if I was waking up tomorrow and all that was gone? What if it was
just a dream?
Too obsessed waiting for the downfall to come instead of
taking in all that positive energy and all those good vibrations surrounding
you. Too focused on that day you will have to say goodbye instead of smiling
and enjoying those invaluable moments of selfish, uncomplicated love and happiness
you will never get back once they are gone.
Don’t let your past haunt you and hold you from being happy
for what have been yesterday might not be tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to listen
to your heart and take a bet (even the riskier ones) for brighter tomorrows because when it comes to
your heart and feelings forecasting doesn’t always work. So don’t live for what you
hope tomorrow will bring you, but rather live for what today has to offer.

"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is."
—Mary A. Hershey

"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is."
—Mary A. Hershey